Monday, March 31, 2014

Profile: Amiga

 This is Amiga, my first SD sized doll.  I got her this year, 2014, and she's a few firsts for me.  She's my first doll since I went on hiatus in 2012.  I know that's just one thing, but it's pretty big for me, lol.  Gotta worry about eyes and wigs like with the Hujoos, but she is an Obitsu, so she's got all the great pose-ability of my other little ones.  I'm so lucky I found her body on Ebay, because it isn't made anymore.  And with magnet feet!  Lucky me!

I named her Amiga because I have a friend who calls me amiga all the time.  I know it means friend in Spanish.  It suits her.

Personality and story-wise, I haven't decided much.  Her favorite colors are pastels, favorite fabric is velour or panne.  She dreams of being a famous romance writer, and likes her tiny eraser cat.  I need to get her a more realistic cat...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Dolly Meme

This is something I haven't done before, a dolly meme.  It's a bunch of questions and I answer them.  I found this one on Moonlight and Crystal

Who was your first doll? Do you still own him, her, or it?
My first doll was Lola, originally Newbie.  I still have her.

Who is your favorite doll?
I really don't like to pick favorites.

Which doll do you hope or plan to buy next?
I don't plan on buying anymore unless I can find perhaps a companion for Amiga.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Gallery: Amiga explores the backyard

Here's my first photoshoot back in the saddle!  The pictures are taken with my phone, so they're not as clear as they used to be, but I think they're still quite nice.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

More and more awesome!

Amiga's purple eyes and multicolor wig came in yesterday and today.  She just keeps getting cooler and cooler!  I was so inspired, that I cut out a dress to sew for her.  Unfortunately I messed up cutting the top part, but no biggie!  She has a vest now. ^.^

Monday, March 3, 2014

Amiga's Face-up

Hello again!  The next step in Amiga's adventure has come; her face-up.  I didn't go for very realistic.  I went for cartoony and cute.  And her eyes aren't in, so I borrowed a pair of eyes from my sister.  Here's the results!