Sunday, April 20, 2014

I'm asking for help!

Hi guys! I'm asking for help. I want to go to beauty school to become a nail technician. This is the school I want to go to. It's the most affordable one in my area with the best reputation.

I need to jumpstart my life again, by doing something new. I've been out of work since last summer, and even though I send out 3 resumes and job applications each day, I haven't gotten any nibbles since January. I need to learn a new skill to get back into the workforce.

This wasn't a random decision. I want to be a nail technician so that I can make people feel pretty, and happier about themselves. I want to help them cheer up after a rough week, or celebrate an event coming up, like a prom or wedding. I'm also very good at painting small things, like collectible dolls and gaming miniatures, so I think I have the chance to really show off my artistic side by painting really fun nails for people.

Tuition is $3500.00 and the toolkit and books add up to $500.00. I'm only asking for what I need. Please consider helping me change my life for the better. Thank you!